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Executive coaching that inspires and motivates

What is it about?

The starting point for coaching is your personal concern and your specific professional situation. You might want to ... 


  • realign your career, plan your career, break new ground

  • develop or grow into your role as a leader

  • communicate more effectively with employees, colleagues, interface partners or customers

  • solve conflicts faster or differently than before

  • make difficult decisions

  • lead with energy, motivation and purpose


My role as a coach is to accompany you as a sparring partner in clarifying goals and finding solutions.


I look forward to getting to know you!  



We can clarify, without obligation, whether and how coaching could be helpful. 

Why a coaching?

Coaching is a goal-oriented, temporary support in difficult times, in crises, conflicts or in decision-making situations.

You can do a coaching because you want to look back and understand the background: How could this happen? How did I get into this situation?

But you can also do a status assessment: Where do I currently stand in my life? What is good as it is? What do I want to change?

And you can look ahead and align yourself with the future: Where do I want to go? What do I want to achieve in my life? How do I want to live?

All this applies to individual coaching as well as to team coaching.

You will come out of coaching strengthened, inspired and with new motivation.


When the batteries are empty, we will work on your resources and your resilience so that you can better cope with stress/burdens in your professional and private life.

We will not avoid the "crunchy" issues. Coaching is all about self-reflection, even if it becomes unpleasant.

As your coach I will always support you in your coaching process in an appreciative and humorous way.


How does coaching work?

Get to know

In a non-binding first information meeting I will answer your questions about coaching and we will get to know each other.

Clarification of objectives

The coaching begins with the precise clarification of your request. What do you want to achieve with the coaching? What should change? How can I support you?

Clarification phase

This phase is about understanding individual attitudes and behaviour patterns that may lead to conflict or that you experience as limiting. 

Change phase

In coaching we prepare the desired change and try out together how it could work. In small steps you can gain experience with new patterns of thinking and behaviour. New competences are built up. Confidence in feasibility grows.

Completion of the coaching

In the final discussion we look back on the coaching process: What could you achieve for yourself? How do you assess the quality of the coaching? What are the next steps for further transfer into everyday life?    


What methods are used?

The methods I use in coaching are diverse and follow a coherent, integrative overall concept. They are tailored to the objective of the coaching, to the personality and individual needs of the client; they are selected according to the specific situation and often lead to aha-experiences.

My work is cross-school and cross-method. Systemic methods are just as much a part of my broad repertoire of methods based on many years of experience as methods that have their origins in Cognitive Behavioural Coaching or Psychodrama. In the interest of quality assurance, I orientate myself on empirically validated effective factors (Grawe 1998, 2005).

Ablauf Coaching

Individual Coaching

In individual coaching you have the time and space to work on your important topics. You will find the peace and quiet to gain clarity, for example, about your professional goals or your role as a manager.

Typical subject areas:


  • Professional reorientation and career planning

  • Leading role: On-boarding in a new role or creating more impact

  • Leadership

  • Change management

  • 360° feedback & employee surveys

  • Communication and interaction

  • Conflict management

  • Dealing with stress and strain, work-life balance

  • Personal identity and values (Who am I and what is important to me in life?)

  • Self-marketing

  • Resources & Resilience

After clarifying the coaching assignment, we will work on your request in a target-oriented manner. Individual coaching sessions take place in my coaching rooms or online at any time.

Team Coaching

Team Coaching

If there are problems in the team, communication does not work or new challenges are pending, team coaching can be helpful.

Team coaching often deals with the following topics:


  • Conflicts between team members or the manager

  • Communication and cooperation within the team or with interface partners

  • Restructuring in connection with new roles, tasks and responsibilities

  • Orientation towards the future (vision, self-image)

  • Implementation of a new strategy 


As a team coach, I support you and your team to move forward again

This is how the coaching could work:


I look forward to meeting you!

Coaching Ausbildung

Coaching education
(in German)

Professionelle Frau sitzen

Kompakt-Curriculum Coaching 2022

Methodenintegratives Coaching

- szenisch-systemisch -

Ab Februar 2022 beginnt der neue Coaching Kurs am Moreno Institut überlingen/edenkoben in München.

Dieses Curriculum richtet sich an alle, die als Coach professionell und fundiert arbeiten wollen.

Als TeilnehmerIn erwerben Sie die nötigen methodischen und persönlichen Kompetenzen aufbauend auf einem neuro-wissenschaftlich fundierten Gesamtkonzept, das im Verfahren Psychodrama wurzelt.


Unser Ansatz ist:

* szenisch & systemisch

* methodenübergreifend & integrativ

* den ethischen Standards des ICF verpflichtet.



Termine Kursblöcke (Präsenz)

Modul 1 "Coaching Prozess & psychologische Grundlagen"


Modul 2 "Diagnostik im Coaching"


Modul 3 "Stressmanagement und Führungskräfte-Coaching"


Modul 4 "Kommunikation und Interaktion


Modul 5 "Abschluss-Kolloquium und Marketing als Coach"



Termine Gruppen- und Einzelsupervision

4 Online Sessions zur Gruppensupervision und Vertiefung:

28.03.2022 (Zoom)

20.06.2022 (Zoom)

12.09.2022 (Zoom)

17.10.2022 (Zoom)

+ 4 ergänzende, anwendungsbegleitende Einzelsupervisionen à 45 Min.
(individuell zu buchen)



Modul 1 – 5: jeweils 9 – 17 Uhr

Gruppensupervision: jeweils 18 – 21 Uhr



Modul 1 - 5:

Kress Consulting & Coaching, Alte Allee 37, 81245 München

Online Sessions Gruppensupervision: Zoom


Nach Beendigung des Coaching Curriculums erhalten die TeilnehmerInnen eine Teilnahme-Bescheinigung vom Moreno Institut.   

Zusätzlich kann ein Zertifikat vom Institut über den erfolgreichen Abschluss des Kompaktcurriculums erworben werden. Voraussetzung ist dafür das Bestehen des Abschluss-Kolloquiums sowie die Durchführung und Dokumentation von 2 eigenständig bearbeiteten Coachingfällen unter Supervision.

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